Henry Driver's wife Sophia Renshaw was born at Staveley, Derbyshire on 4/1/1835 daughter of William Renshaw (born 18/2/1811) and Sarah Handbury. Her brother James also came to New Zealand and set up a hardware shop in Thames. He later became Mayor of Thames. My great aunt said they were very close and brother and sister were often seen with arms linked.
Sophia Driver died 23/3/1917 at the home of her son Henry, Richmond St Thames
Obituary in the Thames Evening Star (24/3/1917)
"Mrs Henry Driver
An old, highly esteemed and useful member of the community passed away last night in the person of Mrs Henry Driver, senr. Mrs Driver was born January 10th (IGI says 4th) 1835 at Staveley, near Sheffield. When 28 years of age she came to New Zealand, arriving in Auckland by the ship " Greenjacket" in 1863. She arrived in Thames in December of 1867, Mr Driver having come the previous August. Ever since her arrival Mrs Driver has been an active and energetic worker in every good cause. She, with her husband and her only brother, the later Mr James Renshaw, were among the foundation members of the Baptist Church here. Indeed meetings were held in her cottage on Hape Creek Road before the church in Willoughby Street was built. Mrs Driver had 8 children, 3 sons and 5 daughters. The daughters are Mrs H.O. Cooper, Waihou, Mrs W.S Wylie, Auckland, Mrs C.R. Lovatt, Whangarei, Mrs W.J. Steer, Auckland, Mrs T.H. Scandrett, Mullen Point. The sons are the late Mr. S. Driver, Mr H Driver, Richmond Street and Mr J Driver, Kingsland. Mr H.H. Driver of Dunedin was a nephew and foster son of the deceased lady.
Mrs Driver had also 50 grandchildren and 14 great- grandchildren. 3 grandsons are at the front and 2 are in training. Mrs Driver worked heartily for the men at the front and indeed was knitting for patriotic purposes right up to the last. Mrs Driver's funeral will move from the old Baptist Church in Willoughby Street at 2 pm. tomorrow.
Sophie Driver nee Renshaw and her adult children,
Cemetery Inscription
Plot 2345 old Shortland St, Cemetery, Thames (along fence line in scrub))
In loving memory of Henry Driver, Born Sheffield Sept 15th 1830, died Aug 30th 1890, Absent from the body, Present with the Lord. Also Sophia, wife of above, Died March 23, 1917, Aged 82.
William Renshaw born 18 Feb 1811 bapt 20th is the son of William Renshaw and Jane Henstoke. This couple were married at Chesterfield 5 February 1804.Their children were John 1804, Aaron 1806, William 1811 ( put in by LDS member as 1811 & 1812 are missing on Bishop Transcripts), Mary Ann 1813 died 1814, Henry 1815 d 1815, George 1817, Silence 1819, Jane 1822 d 1822, Elizabeth 1823, Mary 1826 d 1830. All the children were baptised at Chesterfield. On Aaron’s entry it has Newbold by Chesterfield. William may be William born 28 Sep 1783, the son of William Renshaw and Mary Leadbeater married 4 Jun 1776.
Sarah Handbury was born at Alfreton, Derbyshire 10/3/1812 daughter of James Handbury and Sophia (Sophy) Elliott. Other children of this couple are James 1813, Mary 1816, Elizabeth 1818, Sophia 1822, Hannah 1826 (all born at Alferton), Ann 1829, Elizabeth 1831, Catherine 1833 (all born in Staveley). James and Sophia were married 18/11/1811 at Alfreton.
James Handbury born 23/11/1788 at Elvaston Derbyshire was the son of James Handbury and Ann Daykin who were married 27/7/1783 at Elvaston. Other Siblings all born Elvaston were Mary 1787, John 1798, John 1800 . This James Handbury born 23/9/1758 was the son of James Handbury and Sarah Bentley who were married 21/3/1754 at All Saints in Derby.Other children were twin of James, Sarah , and William 1760.
Sophia Elliott was born 26/5/1794 at Alfreton daughter of George Elliott and Sarah Tomlinson who were married at South Wingfield Derbyshire. Other siblings were Sarah 1777, Jonathan 1780, John 1782, Lydia 1784, George 1786, James 1789, Henry 1792, Elizabeth 1798 . George was the son of Jonathan Ellot and Elizabeth Radford born 4/10/1753. Sarah Tomlinson was born 27/5/1753 at South Wingfield daughter of Mary Tomlinson .