Lower Hutt, New Zealand
David and Isabella Smith arrived at Port Nicholson on 16 October 1841 on the ship “Arab”. The ship had left left Gravesend on 5 June 1841 under the command of Captain John Sumner.
Smith David 37 Sawyer
Isabel 36
Alexander 15 Labourer
Daughter 13
Son 10
Son 7
Daughter 3
Daughter Infant
David Smith had married Isabel McHardie on 19 November 1824 in Kirriemuir, Angus in Scotland. The children we have a record of are;
Charlotte Smith 5/8/1832 (Bapt.), Kirriemuir
William Smith. 28/12/1834, Forfar
Elizabeth Smith 26/3/1837, Forfar.
Mary Smith 24/5/1839, Forfar.
In a letter to his old employer in Kirriemuir, dated 16 October 1841 and published in the “New Zealand Journal” of 6 August 1842, David McHardie, who was David Smith’s brother-in-law, records the following statement. “David Smith, from Zoar, with his wife and family, and my youngest brother, arrived here on Friday last: he has got an addition to his family nine weeks before he landed – a fine boy.” Zoar is close to Forfar in Angus.
I have been unable to find the birth or baptism of Alexander (born c1825) or Margaret (born c1828)
The following advertisement in The “Wellington Independent” in March 1852.
Land for Sale. A Freehold Section situated in the Lower Hutt district, bounded by that section let to Mr. Barton. There are about 13 acres cleared, and in good grass, and well fenced in. The properly is well situated for a dairy. Also, a Leasehold of 2.5 acres, on that section in the possession of Mr. Tucker, with a House containing 8 rooms, a dairy and cow house. Apply to David Smith, On the Premises. River Hutt, 9 March 1852.
David appears to have taken up land at Silverstream at an early date and established a dairy farm there. Although it is not clear just where the farm was situated, the following item from the “Upper Hutt Review” in 1937 does give some clues.
“The Maori village where St. Patrick's College now stands was just Maoris, dogs and peach trees with a little church and a cemetery. Silverstream was long known as a nasty little ford and was without a bridge for years. The chief place here was Mr Smith's. It was the first stage of the coach in the coaching days the four horses from Wellington were changed for fresh ones, whilst the passengers had breakfast, the next change and dinner being at the Golden Fleece Hotel Paekakariki. ( Reference National Library of NZ Papers past website Upper Hutt Review newspaper 18 June 1937 page 3) Also when he advertised his farm for sale in 1880 following the death of his wife, the farm is described as being a short walk from Upper Hutt railway station. That was situated at Silverstream, where the vintage railway site is located.
From later advertisements David must also have established a stud farm as the following advertisement shows:
To serve a limited number of Mares this season in the Hutt and Porirua District, commencing on 1st October, 1876, the Draught Stallion STANLEY. Stanley is a light chesnut, and was bred by David Smith, of Silverstream, Taita, and Hutt. Stanley is rising four years old, stands 17 hands high, and possesses immense bone. He was got by Young Hero, imported from Tasmania. Young Hero by the Lincolnshire cart stallion Lincolnshire Hero, imported to Tasmania by W. R. Q. Kermode, Esq. Lincolnshire Hero bred by Mr. George Stanthorpe, by young Honest John. Lincolnshire Hero's dam was by old Sampson. Stanley's dam was Grace Darling, got by England’s Hope; granddam Black Diamond, imported from Tasmania by Mr. Frazer, of Mana. Young Hero, when shewn as a yearling at the Northern Agricultural Show against a number of colts, gained the first prize. Young Hero, when a two-year-old, was shewn at the Great Western Agricultural Show, and took the first prize against all comers; be also, at the same time, gained the first prize for being the best two-year-old Lincoln colt got by Lincolnshire Hero. Young Hero, when a four year old, took the first prize at the Waikouaiti and Shag Valley Agricultural and Pastoral Association ; he also, at the same time, gained the first prize for being the best animal of the draught stock on the ground. Same year gained the first prize at the Blueskin Agricultural and Pastoral Association. Stanley will leave the Upper Hutt every Monday, and travel to the Taita, Lower Hutt, Ngahauranga, Johnsonville, and Porirua, reaching Pahautanui on Wednesday, returning on Thursday back to the Upper Hutt, via Belmont. Terms — Single mare, £4; two or more mares, £3 10s; groomage fee, 5s, to be paid for first service. Every care taken, but no responsibility. All mares to be paid on or before 31st January, 1878. For further particulars apply to the groom, or to J. MACARA, Proprietor. (Evening Post, 13 November 1877)
Auction Sale.— On Thursday last, Mr Horner sold by public auction, on the premises, Silver Stream, Upper Hutt, the steam mill, plant, working bullocks, stationary boiler, and all interests connected with the mill itself; and although the day was rather unpropitious, the attendance was unusually large, and the bidding most spirited. The bidding started at £400, and fell into the hands of Messrs Robinson and Lawrence, the former being one of the partners of the old firm, for the sum of £527 10s cash. After which, about 20,000 feet of sawn timber was sold, and realized very good prices. All present expressed themselves as deeply indebted to David Smith, Esq., for his hospitality to both man and beast. Mr. Horner's sale of cattle, &c. at Poriru Bay, on Tuesday last, was well attended, cattle averaging £9 per head, but horses were still slow in demand. The merchandise realised far better than town prices. (Wellington Independent 4 June 1867)
Isabella Smith died suddenly at Silverstream, Upper Hutt, on 13 February 1880, as these newspapers entries describe:
An old lady named Isabella Smith, 76 years of age, died suddenly on Friday morning last at Silverstream. On that day her husband left her in bed and apparently all right, but on returning a couple of hours afterwards, he found that she was dead. Dr. Wilford examined the body, and on Saturday last held an inquest, with the result that a verdict of death from natural causes was returned. (Evening Post, 16 February 1880)
DEATHS. Smith.- On the 13th of February, at her late residence, Silverstream, Upper Hutt, Isabella, the wife of Mr. David Smith. (Evening Post 14 February 1880)
The Friends of Mr. DAVID SMITH are respectfully invited to attend the Funeral of his late wife; leaving residence, Silver Stream, Upper Hutt, at 10 a.m. on MONDAY, the 16th inst., arriving at Scotch Church, Lower Hutt, at noon. E. MORGAN, Undertaker.
Isabella’s name appears on the memorial stone in Blackbridge Cemetery in Lower Hutt.
Shortly afterwards David Smith sold his farm, as the following advertisement shows, and obviously moved to Arowhenua in South Canterbury to live with his eldest daughter Margaret.
FOR SALE, that First-class Dairy Farm, with stock and all appliances, situated within five minutes' walk of the Silverstream Station. Apply to David Smith, on the premises. (9 March 1880, Evening Post)
David died at Arowhenua in South Canterbury in 1883, and was buried in the Temuka cemetery.
DEATH. Smith On the 21st June, at the residence of his daughter, Mrs W. Hornbrook, Hollywell, Levels Plains, David Smith, late of Silverstream, Upper Hutt, Wellington, aged 82 years. Wellington papers please copy.
Alexander Smith, the eldest son of David and Isabella, is listed on the “Arab” settler’s list as a labourer, aged 15. Little is known of him, but it is almost certain that he was drowned in the Wairarapa in 1844. In the book “Early Wellington” by Louis Ward, published in 1928 is the following reference “David Smith, son, 18 years, drowned at Wairarapa, 1844.”
Margaret Smith married William Hornbrook on 8 October in Wellington. William was born on 1 November 1822, and baptised in Plymouth, Devon in 1828, son of Richard Hornbrook and Caroline Hillman. William had arrived in Wellington on the ship Tobago (136 tons) on 14 September 1842. The ship had sailed from London on 5 March 1842 and had travelled via Capetown and Hobart. William's brother Alfred appears in the 1844 Jury List published by The NewZealand Gazette and Wellington Spectator as: Hornbrook, Alfred Mulgrave Street Storekeeper
Their children were:
Louisa Augusta 1848 Wellington
Un-named female 1850 Wellington
NR 1853 Canterbury
William Richard 1855 Christchurch
NR 1860
Alfred John Thomas 1861 Timaru
MRS HORNBROOK. (PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAM.) TIMARU, March 11, 1912. A pioneer settler, Mrs Margaret Hornbrook, died at Temuka on Sunday, aged 84. She arrived in Wellington in 1841, and came South in 1854. She was the first white woman to land at Timaru, and her eldest son was the first white child born in South Canterbury. She was the widow of Mr William Hornbrook, who, with his brother, Major Hornbrook, took up the Arowhenua run, the second selection after the Rhodes brothers. Subsequently they took up the Opuha and Kakahu runs. When the low country was taken up by farmers in 1871 Mr Hornbrook bought a farm at Seadown. After his death Mrs Hornbrook leased the farm and has since lived in Temuka. She leaves three sons and three daughters.
This description has been copied from Gordon Ogilvie’s book “Moonshine Country",as have the images above.
“Mrs Hornbrook, whose hospitality and courage were a byword in the south, must have found the life at Arowhenua a tough and lonely one. Until the arrival of Mrs George Rhodes and her lady companion at the Levels, she had no female company at all. Only three days after the birth of one child, she is reported to have rescued a man from drowning in the flooded Opihi. An early photograph shows Mrs Hornbrook to be a muscular and capable-looking woman. She would need to have been. Mrs Hornbrook eventually reared four sons and five daughters at Arowhenua. Her own birthplace, incidentally, was Kirriemuir in Scotland, the home town of James Barrie, the playwright.”
Charlotte Smith married Frederick James Carrington at Arowhenua, south of Temuka, in 1861.
MARRIED. Feb. 18, at Arowenua, Timaru, by the Rev. G. Foster; Frederick James, only son of F. A. Carrington, Esq., C.E., of Taranaki, to Charlotte, second daughter of David Smith, Esq., Upper Hutt, Wellington. (Wellington Independent, 15 March 1861)
Their children were:
1862 Isabella Margaret Timaru 1864 Frederick David Timaru 1866 Arthur Wellington 1868
Gaine Greytown 1870
Jessie Carterton 1871
NR Wellington 1872
Mabel Wellington 1874
Murray Turanga*
Frederic James Carrington died 1913 aged 76
A Gisbornite of forty years standing in the person of Mr Frederick James Carrington passed away at the residence of his daughter at Hastings on the 15th inst., at the ripe age of 78 years. Deceased, who was father of Mr Gaine Carrington, of Makaraka, came to Gisborne forty years ago to take over the Maori school at Te Arai, and is understood to be one of the first schoolmasters in this district. He lived at Makaraka and Matawhero until two years ago, when, after the death of his wife, he moved to Hawke's Bay. The late Mr Carrington was born in England, and came with his parents to New Zealand in the early days. In fact, his father was engaged on the original survey of New Plymouth, and subsequently represented that district in the Provincial Government. Deceased leaves a grown-up family, comprising Messrs Gaine and Arthur Carrington and Mrs Elmers, in this district, and Mrs McKew and Mr Fred. Carrington, of Hastings (24 November 1913, Poverty Bay Herald)
Charlotte Carrington died in 1911 at the age of 79.
William Smith married Isabella Aitcheson in 1864
Smith – Aitcheson - At Upper Hutt, on Sept. 21st, by the Rev John Moir, Mr William Smith, farmer, to Miss Isabella Aitcheson. (12 November 1864, Wellington Independent)
Their children were:
David July 1865 Wellington William May 1869 Greytown Isabella Oct. 1870 Greytown Robert Sept 1872 Greytown Stephen April 1875
Information about the family from old newspapers is sparse, but clearly the family ran a sheep farm near Martinborough, as the following snippets show.
Sheep Inspectors Report 1 March 1876. Smith, William Waihenga 855 Clean.
Otaraia Rabbit District. (From the Standard.) A meeting of the above District was held at the Waihenga Hotel on -Tuesday the 30th ult, Present W. Smith, G. Pain, and Coleman Phillips (in the chair).
Upon inspection of Mr W. Smith's property I find that the rabbits are kept under; no regular rabbit-man kept. Rabbitting done by himself and son one pack of dogs kept. (6 August 1880 Wairarapa Daily Mail)
DEATH. Smith.—On January 16th 1903, W. Smith, of Martinborough, aged 68. (Wairarapa Daily Times)
18 April 1915 Isabel Smith died. Her obituary is as follows:
The death is reported of another old Wairarapa settler, in the person of Mrs Isabella Smith, relict, of the late Mr William Smith, of Waihenga, Martinborough, at the age of 74 years. The deceased lady, whose maiden name was Aitchison, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 1840, arriving in Otago in the year 1843 in the ship Victoria. She was married at Silverstream, Upper Hutt, in 1865, to the late Mr William Smith, and arrived in Martinborough in the year 1867. She leaves a family of four grown-up sons and a daughter to mourn their loss. They are David (Masterton), William (England), Robert, Stephen and Isabella (Waihenga). (Wairarapa Daily Times 20 April 1915)
Elizabeth Smith married William Aitchison in August 1855.
Their children were: Robert born 1856, with the birth being registered in Wellington, William Alfred 1858 in Otago, George 1860, John 1863, Stephen 1865, Isabella 1867 and Mary 1869.
William Aitchison died in 1912 and Elizabeth in 1915. Both deaths occurred in Kaitangata in South Otago.
The obituaries for them both were printed in the Otago Daily Times as follows:
The late Mrs Aitchison was widely known and respected throughout not only Kaitangata and district, but practically throughout the province of Otago (says the correspondent of the Balclutha Free Press). She was born at Kerrimuir, Forfarshire (Scotland) in 1837, and was between four and five years old when her parents came out to New Zealand, arriving at Wellington in the ship Arab in 1841. Her father, David Smith, settled at Silverstream, near the Hutt, and it was there that Mrs Aitchison lived up to and for a couple of years after her marriage with the late William Aitchison. Mr Aitchison, who was a native of Edinburgh, arrived at Port Chalmers in the Mooltan in 1849, and was employed by Mr Pillans (Inchclutha), who with Mr Ferguson, was engaged at the time in a whaling project. Mr Aitchison spent a few years with Mr Pillans at his farm on Inchclutha, and then made for the Hutt, where he met his future wife. They were married at Silverstream in 1855. He returned to Kaitangata with his wife and child (Robert) in 1857, and purchased two sections, one of 50 and another of 70 acres, and put stock on them. The first house in Kaitangata was built by him, the timber for which he cut out of the bush. Mrs Aitchison was a strong, sturdy woman, and shared with her husband the hardships and toil of those early days. Kaitangata was then in its native wildness, and the "streets" were the cattle tracks through the swamp and flax. In 1872 the Kaitangata mine property of 850 acres, was purchased from Mr John Douglas (of Mount Royal), and it was found to contain coal. A further 500 acres adjoining was bought later, as were other areas of coal-bearing country adjacent. This ground has ever since yielded a handsome income in royalties from the coal obtained. Since those early days the family has resided on the property situated on Creekside, near the Kaitangata railway station, and Mr and Mrs Aitchison were familiarly known throughout the district as the “Laird and Lady." The former died about three years ago. Mrs Aitchison up to the time of her last illness spent the greater part of her time in the open air among her flower pots and hot houses. She was a keen enthusiast in horticulture, and an ardent supporter of the Horticultural Society, as well as a large exhibitor at the shows. For the last few months Mrs Aitchison had been confined to her bed. She leaves five sons and one daughter, and 15 grandchildren. (Otago Daily Times 27 February 1915)
The death took place at Kaitangata recently of Mr William Aitchison, in his eightieth year. Mr Aitchison was born in Edinburgh in 1832, and arrived in New Zealand on Boxing Day in the year 1849 by the ship Mooltan. He was first employed by Mr F. S. Pillans at Inch-Clutha, with whom he remained for three years. On the outbreak of the gold diggings in Australia he went to Bendigo, where he was very successful. Eighteen months later he returned to New Zealand, and was engaged in pit-sawing in the bush near Wellington. He returned to the South Island, where he followed the same occupation, and in 1856 bought some hilly land at Kaitangata, which showed prospects of coal. The property was leased to the Kaitangata Coal Company, a royalty being paid on every ton of coal produced. He was the means of starting the first school in the district, engaging part of a store and securing the services of a master. During the days of the Provincial Council Mr Aitchison was a member of the Matau Road Board, and one of the wardens of the Kaitangata hundreds, and later on served on the local borough council, was chairman and one of the trustees of the Atheneum, and also a member of the Kaitangata Domain Board. In 1855 he married a daughter of Mr David Smith, of Silverstream, the Hutt, Wellington, and had several children. Mrs Aitchison, who was born in Forfarshire, came out to New Zealand in 1841 in the ship Arab. (Otago Daily Times, 25 March 1912)
I have been unable to trace the other children of David and Isabella Smith, but looking at the lives of the four children I have been able to trace, it is interesting to see how widely scattered they became.
* An early name for Gisborne