Lower Hutt, New Zealand
The Buick family arrived in New Zealand on the Arab on 16 October 1841.
The Arab was a ship of 484 tons, under the command of Captain John Sumner, with the Surgeon Superintendent being William Stevens Butler.
The ship left England on the 5th June 1841; having left Gravesend on June 3, 1841, with 208 settlers. Among them were;
Buik William 31 Wright Agnes 30 Son 9 (James) Daughter 7 (Agnes) Daughter 5 (Jane)
Two more children were born after their arrival in New Zealand, William Butler Buick in 1842 and David Buick in 1848. Both were born in Karori.
William Buick was born in Arbroath, Angus, Scotland in 1807. He married Agnes Stevens on 10 September, 1832 at St. Vigeans, just north of Arbroath. Agnes Stevens was born in Angus in 1811.
St. Vigeans Church. Image Copyright Alex McGregor. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 171 Second Street, Suite 300, San Francisco, California, 94105, USA. /,
The family lived in the Karori area for the first few years after their arrival in New Zealand, and William is described as a carpenter. However, he obviously turned his hand to other occupations.
Wellington Independent, 6 February 1847, A native in burning off a clearing, on the Karori road, some two or three weeks back, set fire to and entirely destroyed the crop of an industrious settler of the name of Buick, consisting of about three acres of fine wheat. Some Ordinance is required to restrict all persons from firing their clearings while a neighbour’s growing crop is in danger of being destroyed thereby.
Karori Road. Notice is hereby given, that the Karori Road will be closed until further notice so that the necessary repairs may be proceeded with, without interruption. By order of the Committee. William Buick, Contractor. Karori, July 23, 1851. (Wellington Independent, 23 July 1851)
Wellington Independent, Volume VII, Issue 575, 16 April 1851, Page 3. The adjourned meeting at Karori respecting the repair of the road was held on Monday evening the 14th instant. His Honor Mr. Justice Chapman and others addressed the meeting, after which, it was resolved that the whole amount which may be collected should be immediately laid out, and that the road be stopped during the progress of the works at the discretion of the Committee.
Mr. Justice Chapman, who kindly consented to act as Treasurer on the previous evening, informed the meeting that he had opened an account and placed the amount already handed to him in the Bank to the credit of the repairs of the Karori Road. Several other sums were then handed in; and the collectors, Messrs. Edwards and Allington, were requested to commence forthwith to call upon the respective subscribers for the amount of their donations, and to receive any further sum which may be obtained. It having been intimated that some three or four were unable to pay their subscription in cash, but were still most willing to pay in labour, as formerly agreed upon, Mr. Justice Chapman kindly offered to advance them the money to pay their subscription, on their giving their undertaking to repay him the same.
The Committee Messrs. Collier, Dew, Pimble, Heading, Campbell, Parnell, and Buick having appointed Thursday to commence a general examination of the delapidations, Mr. Justice Chapman, at their request, promptly consented to accompany them.
About 1852 William Buick was allocated a block of land in Petone, being the majority of 100 acre block No 7. It was bounded to the east and west by land blocks owned by Edward Gibbon Wakefield. This was the property that to become known as Greenvale farm.
Buick St Petone 2014
SCHEDULE. No. of Report 1589 No. of Claim 842 Name of claimant George Moore
Commissioner's Decision. Entitled to a Crown Grant of a part of the Section No. 7, Hutt District, containing about ten acres, more or less, having a frontage to "Petoni Beach," being the portion of the Section not included in the Grant issued to William Buick, dated the 18th January, 1853. Excepting always a right of way 50 links wide, leading from the Beach into W. Buick's land. The legal estate to be antevested in the Grantee as from the 11th day of August, 1851.
The Buick family became very involved in public affairs in the Hutt. The following newspaper reports give an account of this:
Wellington Independent, Volume XIX, Issue 2113, 8 October 1864, Page 2. Annual Horse Show. This show, which is always looked forward to with much interest by the farming population of the province, was held on Wednesday last at the Hutt, a circumstance which lent additional a traction to the usual market.
The horses exhibited were seven in number, and comprised England's Hope," five years old, the property of Mr W. Buick. Victor" rising five years the property of Mr Knight. Tatton," three years old, owned by Mr Sykes. Hero," three years old, belonging to Mr Death. "Hercules" five years old, the property of Mr Welch. Sir Watkin," four years old, the property of Mr Brown, and Mr Gascoigne's Solomon," eight years old (as reported).
Belmont Western Hutt District. A meeting of residents in the Belmont Western Hutt District, was held at the house of Mr. W. Ellerm, on Saturday, the 24th November, to consider the propriety of erecting a public reading room in the district. Mr. D. McEwen having been called to the Chair, shortly stated the object for which the meeting had been called. The following resolutions were proposed and carried unanimously. Moved by Mr W. Ellerm, seconded by Mr Payton; “That a room be built in this district, to be called the Belmont Reading Room." Moved by Mr W. Ellerm, seconded by Mr J. Buick, "That the kind offer of Mr Golder, in granting a sight (sic) for the public reading room in Belmont, be accepted." Proposed by Mr Payton, seconded by Mr J. Buick "That the following persons be appointed to act as a Committee, Messrs D. McEwen, Ellerm, Payton, Golder, and Mason." Proposed by Mr Payton, seconded by Mr Oakes. That a subscription list be now opened to obtain subscriptions for erecting the building." A subscription list was drawn up, and about £12 collected, in the room we may also add that the want of some such building has long been felt, and its erection will no doubt confer a lasting benefit on every person in the district. (27 November 1866)
WE the undersigned inhabitants of the Petoni Road District request you will convene a Public Meeting of the inhabitants of that District for the purpose of Electing a Board of Wardens, and other Business. William B. Buick, David Buick, Edwin Jackson, N. Valentine, John Blatchford, Walter Blatchford, Wm. Buick, Hutt, March 29, 1867.
In pursuance of the above requisition I hereby convene a Public Meeting of the inhabitants of the Petoni Road District, to be held at Valentine's Hotel, Hutt, on Friday the 12th day of April next, at 7 o'clock, p.m. A. LUDLAM, J.P. (6 April 1867)
Wellington Independent, Issue 3507, 25 May 1872, Rifle Match. A match between twelve members of the Hutt Rifle Association and twelve men from the city was fired at the Hutt range yesterday afternoon. Seven shots each were fired at 400, 500, and 600 yards, and the scores show the city men to have been completely vanquished, the Hutt men making 506 against a score of 408 for the other side. Scores Hut Team. Prouse, senior 51 Percy 60 M'Kenzie 46 Tocker 46 Dick 45 Mason 45 Prouse, junior 44 McGregor 42 Speedy 41 King 37 Buick 35 Wood 24. Total 506.
The family farm, “Greenvale”, appears to have prospered.
For Sale, a horse and cart, and Harness for the same if required. Also about 13 tons of fine Meadow Hay, free from docks. Apply to Wm. Buick, Greenvale Farm, River Hutt. Parties wishing to purchase, can have their choice of two Horses and also of two Carts. Wellington Independent, Volume VIII, Issue 767, 16 February 1853
Notice. Found strayed in Mr Buick's run River Hutt, a large red bullock - white face and white tail, no brand. If the above is not claimed, within14 days it will be sold to pay expenses. Wm. Buick. River Hutt, May 13, 1853. (19 May 1852)
Wellington Independent, Issue 2140, 13 December 1864. Hutt Market. Yesterday, Dec. 7th, was Hutt Market day, and the weather being very fine, there was a large number of persons present from town and country. We also noticed some friends from Wanganui, including Mr Fisk, the auctioneer, and many old settlers from the West Coast. There were also visitors from the South present on the occasion. After an excellent dinner, provided in Host Valentine's best style, Mr Homer commenced the business of the day with Mr McEwen's lot. Steers and heifers fetched £4, milch cows £6 6s to £9 9s and these eagerly bought up by our old settlers Messrs Cameron, Buick, and others. Horses, on account of the late sales forced by the disbandment of the Defence Force ruled rather low. Unbroken colts sold for £10 hacks, £15 to £20; and good draught, at £35.
MR. J. H. HORNER has been instructed by William Buick, Esq., to offer for sale at the Repository, on Monday, 9th inst., at 2 o'clock precisely, The magnificent Entire Horse “King of Great. Britain" and 4 powerful Draught Colts After which, 10 Horses broken to saddle and harness. Sale punctually at Two o'clock. January 6, 1865.
Sheep for sale. About 100 young sheep and lambs will be sold at the Hutt Market, on Nov. 6, without reserve, if not previously disposed of. The Sheep can be seen at any time on the farm of the undersigned at the Hutt. Wm. Buick. October 21, 1867.
31 October 1868 Wm. Buick in Greenvale had 185 sheep.
Sheep Inspector's Report for the Wellington District. RETURN of Sheep for the Year ending 31st May, 1870, all over six months old, with amount of assessment, at the rate of one half-penny per head per Sheep. Name. Residence. Sheep. Assessment.
William Buick Petoni 35 1s 5 and a half pence
W and D Buick Petoni 160 6s 8d
J Buick Belmont 84 3s 6d
James Buick was married in 1866, to the daughter of another early Scottish settler.
Buick - McEwen. On the 1st January, at the residence of the bride's father, Belmont, Hutt by the Rev. W. J. Watkin, James, eldest son of Mr. W. Buick, Greenvale, Lower Hutt, to Helen, youngest daughter of Mr. D. McEwen. (13 January 1866)
I have located the births of six children: William David 1866, David, John Lambert 1871, Jane Alice 1875, Annie, Henry 1876, but it appears that there eight children of this marriage.
James died in 1900 at the age of 68.
Evening Post, 24 Feb 1939 HELEN STEWART BUICK
Mrs James Buick died at her residence at Tiakitahuna last week at the age of 96. Mrs Buick could justly lay claim to having been a pioneer of the Manawatu. Born at Waiwetu on June 17 1843, she was one of the earliest children of that settlement and so far as is known, was the oldest white woman born in New Zealand. Her father, Mr David McEwen, was an engineer who came to the colony in the ship 'Bengal’
Merchant and was subsequently a member of the Wellington Provincial Government. Later he settled in the Manawatu and was the first postmaster at Karere. It was 60 years ago that he ventured north from Belmont, conveying his family in a one-horse dray which became stuck in the Ohau river and had to be hauled out by Maori. A clearing was made in the bush at Tiakitahuna, and with pit-sawn timber a house was constructed. Numbers of times the farms was swept by flood waters from the Manawatu river. Surviving sons of the deceased, who was predeceased by her husband, are; Messrs J. L. Buick (Carterton), D. Buick (Tiakitahuna), H. Buick (Johnsonville) and A. Buick (Kauwhata). Surviving daughters are Mesdames W. Edwards (Palmerston North), R. J. Seddon (Tiakitahuna), J. Carruthers (Gonville) and E. Irwin (Dannevirke).
Agnes Buick married Henry Burling on 8 August 1853in Hastings, Hawkes Bay. Their children were: Agnes 1856, David Frederick 1863, Mary 1865, Edward Henry 1869, Robert Randalph 1872, Frank 1874 and Clara 1877. Agnes’s birth was registered in the Wairarapa, but the three youngest are registered at Castlepoint.
BURLING - At his late residence, "The Laurels," Riverslea, Hastings, on October 10th, 1916, Henry Burling, aged 85 years. Agnes had predeceased him, having died on 29 September 1893 at Brooklands, Tiraumea in the Wairarapa. New Zealand. She was buried at Alfredton Road Cemetery, Eketahuna.
Henry Burling’s, also Henry, died at Waikanae in 1911 at the age of 103, having been born in 1807. He was probably the oldest person in New Zealand at that time, and even in his final years was able to reminisce about the Napoleonic wars, the first steam-coach to enter London, and many other items of interest. He also had an interesting life in early Wellington as a mailman, which included frequent encounters with Maori chiefs, including Rangihaeata.
Jane Buick married Joseph Tidswell in 1854. Their children were: Joseph 1860, Henry John 1862, Agnes 1865, Harriet 1867, Mary Jane 1870, David 1874 and Frank 1877. Joseph’s birth is recorded in Wairarapa, and the younger ones at Greytown.
Their respective obituaries give a great picture of their lives in New Zealand
Evening Post, 10 August 1903, Mr. Joseph Tidswell, an old and respected resident of the Wairarapa, passed away here yesterday morning (telegraphs a Featherston correspondent) in his eightieth year. He was born in Yorkshire in 1823, and arrived in the colony in 1856 with the 56th Regiment, and took part in the Maori War in the Wellington and Auckland districts. Deceased, who had been forty-three years in the Wairarapa, leaves a widow and a large family.
Evening Post, 2 June 1910, Mrs Joseph Tidswell, who arrived in Wellington in the ship Arab in 1840, and has been residing at Featherston since 1859, died this morning (telegraphs The Post's local correspondent). She leaves five sons, three daughters, thirty-eight grandchildren, three great-grandchildren. The late Mrs. Tidswell was widely known and greatly respected.
William Butler Buick married Elizabeth Collett in 1865. Their children were: Agnes 1866, William Henry 1867, Elizabeth 1870, Alexander 1872, Robert 1880, Frank 1884.
David Buick m Mary Ann Hall in 1876. Their children were: Agnes Mary 1877, Daisy 1880, Lilian 1881, David 1883, Carrie 1885, Ivy 1890.
David appears to have farmed with his brother William for some years.
NOTICE is hereby given that the Partnership hitherto subsisting between W. & D. Buick Brothers is this day, 30th April, 1870, Dissolved by mutual consent. W. B. Buick D. Buick. Witness— G. M'lllvride (Wellington Independent 14 May 1870)
David died 1918 aged 70 (born 1848)
Mr. David Buick, M. P. for Palmerston North, died in Wellington at 11 o'clock last night, from influenza. The late Mr. Buick was born at Karori in 1848, and was the son of Mr. William Buick, who arrived in New Zealand in the ship Arab in 1841. He received his education at the Hutt, whither his parents moved in 1852. Until 1885 he worked as a farmer at the Hutt, for his father and on his own account. Then he purchased about 550 acres of first-class grazing land at Palmerston North, and carried on business as a breeder of Romney Marsh sheep. He first entered public life as a member of the Hutt Road Board. At Palmerston he was chairman for many years of the Manawatu Road Board and the Drainage Board, and was prominent in all agricultural and pastoral activities. His interest in sport was keen, and he was well known as a breeder and owner of thoroughbred racing stock. In the old days, when the Caledonian Society, flourished, he was one of its most active supporters. His first entry into general politics was in 1896, when he un-successfully contested the Palmerston seat. He was elected in 1908, and has represented the constituency since. In Parliament he has been a supporter of the farmers' interests, of which he had a wide and exact knowledge. He was a man of genial disposition, and very popular amongst members. The body will be taken to Palmerston to-day for private interment. The Hon. D. H. Guthrie will represent the Ministry at the funeral.
The late member took a prominent part in establishing the Longburn Freezing Works. During the war he has been closely associated with patriotic movements in the district. Mrs. Buick died recently. The late member's family comprises one son and five daughters, one of whom is at present seriously indisposed with influenza.
William Buick Snr died in 1880
DEATH. Evening Post. (28 August 1880)
Buick - On the 28th August, at Green Vale, Petone, William Buick, aged 73 years.
FUNERAL NOTICE. The Friends of the late William Buick are respectfully invited to attend his funeral, which will leave his late Residence, Green Vale, Patone, on TUESDAY, the 31st Inst., at 2 p.m. JOSEPH HALL, Undertaker.
An old Wellington settler died this morning at Petoni in the person of Mr. William Buick. Deceased, who was 73 years of age, arrived here in 1841 in the ship Arab, and consequently was one of the earliest arrivals in this port. He was a carpenter by trade, and erected, single-handed, the Crown and Anchor, one of the first public houses built in Wellington. He took very little part in public life, but has been living quietly on his means for some years past. He leaves a widow and five children to mourn his loss. (Evening Post, 28 August 1880)
Agnes was to live for another 17 years.
New Zealand Herald, Volume XXXIV, Issue 10600, 15 November 1897. Mrs. Buick, relict of the late Mr. William Buick, of Petone, died last week at the residence of son, Mr. David Buick, in Palmerston North. Mrs. Buick, who was born in Scotland in 1811, arrived in Wellington with her husband in 1841 by the ship Arab. Old settlers in the district, and, in fact, everyone who has had the privilege of knowing the deceased lady, will learn with regret of her death, She took her full share of the hardships of pioneer life in the district in the early days and her memory will be revered by many.
Earlier that year Greenvale farm was broken up and sold in residential lots.
The New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, Limited, reports that the sale of Mr. Buick's sections at Petone yesterday was fairly successful. There was a good attendance of buyers, and bidding for several lots was very spirited, but owner's reserves were in many cases not reached. After the sale, however, a good many sections were disposed of at the price required by the vendor, and negotiations are pending for all those left. No commitments have been made, however, and those wishing to secure a piece of land in this rapidly rising suburbs should (sail on the Vendor's agents, the New Zealand Loan and Mercantile Agency Company, without delay. The following were the. sections disposed of:—Section 28, G. Hogg, £72 section 15, H. J. Donovan, £62 10s; section 14, Mrs. Tattle. £56; section 29, G. Hogg, £59; section 30, G. Hogg, £45; section 40, W. H. Gunning, £18; section 41, AY. H. Gunning, £18; section 20, Mrs. Tattle, £17 17s; section 65, Mrs. Tattle, £15; section 66, Mrs. Tattle, £15; section 91, Mrs. Home, £15; section 93, Mrs. Home, JB16; section 98, Mrs. E. Dunne, £15 15s. (Evening Post 1 April 1897)
It would appear that Archibald Coulter leased Greenvale farm for some years priopr to it’s sale, as the following newspaper extracts would appear to indicate.
Evening Post, 7 May 1887, Wanted to Buy, 2 Cows, just calved or about to calve. Apply to A. Coulter, Greenvale, Petone.
Evening Post, 22 September 1892. Wednesday next, 28th Sept., At 11 a.m. Greenvale, Petone. Clearing Sale of live and dead farm stock. Messrs. Cuningham, Badham and Co. will sell by auction, under instructions from Mr. Archibald Coulter, on the premises, Petone, on Wednesday next, at 11 a.m. 15 cows (including 3 prize Ayrshires) in milk and coming to calve 1 prize Ayrshire bull 3 well-bred heavy draughts 4 light harness horses Fowls and ducks (about 100 head) Also, 3 tip drays, 2 spring carts, Waggonette, with pole, almost new, and single and double harness 6 sets cart and trap harness Engine and boiler (3 h.p.), and chaff cutter, bolting, pulleys, Ac. 2-horse reaper and mower Ploughs, harrows, scarifier, lot of window frames, doors, gravel screens, tools and sundries Dairy utensils, milk pans, delivery cans &c, &c, &c
Evening Post, 23 February 1892, Page Mr. A. Coulter, of Greenvale Farm, Petone, sends us a sample of cooking apples, of the King of the Pippin variety, several of them turning the scales at over a pound each.